Experts in IBM i Cloud Solutions.

With a deep history of delivering innovation through IBM i cloud solutions, Tectrade’s services are built to ensure businesses can leverage the latest benefits of modern IT designed to thrive in regulated, competitive marketplaces. 

Tectrade’s Cloud IBM i Services optimize the availability and performance of critical workloads running on IBM i and IBM Power Systems. That means our experts provide the entire hybrid infrastructure in an OPEX managed service wrap and support platforms on-premises, hosted in data centers or the Tectrade PowerCloud.

Never miss the opportunity to digitally transform from the inside out when Tectrade removes the burden of mundane operations.


IBM i on the cloud

Optimization for IBM i Workloads.

In today’s talent market the shortage of core IBM expertise is increasingly causing anxiety for organisations running critical, regulated workloads on IBM i. With a number of former IBMers, and resourced with unique, exclusive IBM insights and connections, we have designed our IBM i cloud services to act as an expansion of your IBM capabilities.

Businesses work with to optimize the availability and performance of their most valuable workloads running not only on IBM i (previously IBM AS/400) but IBM Power Systems.

What’s Involved in our IBM i Cloud Services: 

  • Monitoring all components that can impact system stability
  • Reacting quickly to alerts through 24/7 service desk and service management
  • Confirming that operating system and firmware are maintained at correct versions
  • Ensuring that backups complete successfully – or escalating failures
  • Providing a disaster recovery or high availability environment

IBM I Cloud Considerations 

Why Move Applications to the Cloud with IBM i?

With cloud services available to redefine the future of your IBM i operations, there are five top reasons businesses are proactively migrating applications to the cloud. Observed by HelpSystems, the reasons you might move applications to the cloud with IBM i include:

  • High Availability 
  • DevOps 
  • Simplification – or where your expertise is narrowing 
  • Competitive Advantages 
  • A Key Step in Modernizing IBM i Workloads 

What’s Involved in Tectrade’s Cloud IBM i Services.

Tectrade Cloud IBM i Services are designed to optimize the availability and performance of critical workloads running on IBM i and IBM Power Systems. Our experts provide the entire hybrid infrastructure in an OPEX managed service wrap and support platforms on-premises, hosted in data centers or the Tectrade PowerCloud.

We can take over the burden of mundane operations, allowing you to focus on business transformation with the confidence that your platforms are in safe hands.

Tectrade is one of America’s Top “Most Promising IBM Solutions Providers”.

Ted Donnelly, Regional Vice President of North America, commented in CEO Review on how Tectrade’s IBM i capability has the power to unlock value in new ways for businesses.

“Tectrade ensures that its clients spend their valuable time utilizing their cloud applications to drive business value, rather than managing them.”



IBM i in the Cloud Services

IBM i Enterprise Support.

This service level covers monitoring and management of an IBM i environment. Our experts will manage all event alerts and determine the right course of action to ensure your business-critical applications remain available, protecting end-user productivity. Monitoring thresholds also allows us to act proactively to maintain service levels.


Core Support for IBM i

Within our core service, your IBM i environment will only be monitored. We will notify you of all event alerts enabling you to determine the next steps for your business.


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Data Center Options for IBM i

IBM i Services with Tectrade.

Tectrade can monitor, manage and support complex and regulated IBM i workloads running on robust IBM Power Systems in several different scenarios. The Tectrade Cloud offers system resources that are leased by capacity, or we can dedicate entire physical servers to a single organization.


Where a client owns its own IBM Power Systems infrastructure, we can offer hosting solutions (rack space, power, cooling, networking) together with monitoring and management of those platforms. Alternatively, we can provide remote services for client-owned infrastructure on-premise or in a third-party data center.

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